Latest Testimonials​

Anthony Bain
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I noticed that my luck improved massively after using Field for YOU, I was able to pass my theory driving test at the first attempt. After using Quantum Upgrade I noticed I was attracting more abundance into my life, my financial luck in particular has never been better.
Nancy Yslas
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I've learned to connect to the Universe while turning on my booster, I ussually work weekends which gives me less time with my granddaughter. I was outside under the sun, I set my booster and asked the Universe to give me weekend off paid from a way without working seeing my granddaughter. Two hours later, my daughter calls me to ask me if she take the weekend to spend time with her friend. I talk my boss about taking the weekend off he looks at the schedule it seemed to be over scheduled it was no issue. My daughter gave me $100 to spend on the little one during the weekend. When she returns she says she came across some luck and gave $1000. The Leela tools work.
Damian Soto
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Personally, I've noticed an improved attitude and mentality, especially towards myself. Performing certain tasks just feel easier, there's not as much over thinking. As well as an interesting changes with women I encounter.
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I am going through a very tough personal period right now. The Quantim Upgrade makes me feel calmer and stronger and I seem to recover more easily from the stress that comes at me.
Jonathan Thomas
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I’ve been using Field for HOME for several weeks now, and I’ve noticed that I am calmer, and so are my children. Also, when I boost to 1100 for 30 minutes and do a meditation/breathwork session, the vibrations are much higher, and the session is much more profound.

Upgrade Your Life With Pure Quantum Energy

Anthony Bain
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I noticed that my luck improved massively after using Field for YOU, I was able to pass my theory driving test at the first attempt. After using Quantum Upgrade I noticed I was attracting more abundance into my life, my financial luck in particular has never been better.
Nancy Yslas
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I've learned to connect to the Universe while turning on my booster, I ussually work weekends which gives me less time with my granddaughter. I was outside under the sun, I set my booster and asked the Universe to give me weekend off paid from a way without working seeing my granddaughter. Two hours later, my daughter calls me to ask me if she take the weekend to spend time with her friend. I talk my boss about taking the weekend off he looks at the schedule it seemed to be over scheduled it was no issue. My daughter gave me $100 to spend on the little one during the weekend. When she returns she says she came across some luck and gave $1000. The Leela tools work.
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I am going through a very tough personal period right now. The Quantim Upgrade makes me feel calmer and stronger and I seem to recover more easily from the stress that comes at me. For the people who doubt because they don't feel anything. My day level starts at 7am. Usually, I sit with my eyes closed in the train, I feel the extra energy (from 500 to 800) as a kind of joy with pleasant energy waves around the heart area. Very clear that something is happening and that it is positive.
Nora V
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I’m amazed at the support the booster(s) provide. It always seems to be just what I need. There have been times I use the booster thinking I could use more energy to complete a task but it’s clarity or focus that comes through… gotta love it!
Laura Diver
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Thank you for this opportunity and all that you do! Discovering LeelaQ has been profound for me. My wellbeing have improved. I deal with life challenges more easily and I noticed an increase in serendipities and quicker manifestations. The most profound so far have been me breaking through unconscious beliefs that have held me back all of my life. They’ve been coming like dominos recently and although it has not been easy they are necessary and welcome. Mostly, how I’ve held myself back in close relationships (I feel like I’ve found a missing key to achieving the happiness I’ve always wanted). This led me to initiate contact with family who I haven’t spoken with for 15 years. I have more confidence and self worth in this area / in general - to communicate and express my feelings freely (not attached to an outcome). Overall I feel lighter, freer, safer, and I know this is just the start! Truly amazing! 🙏🏼
Paige Grant
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I have noticed since starting the Quantum Upgrade my thought patterns have completely shifted. I couldn’t help but be an over thinker and to always think the worst. Now, with the Quantum Upgrade, it’s like all of my negative thoughts are transmuted into positive. It’s like having a spiritual teacher in my head that is giving loving and positive energy at all times. I feel an uplifting feeling that leaves me joyous all day!
Amada Rodriguez
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Since I started with the Quantum Upgrade I feel more energized and calm. I feel my meditations are deeper. I am so Grateful for Leela Quantum every day
Robert Rose
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I timed the Field for YOU trial to have during my 12-hour walk recently. I set an intention and walked in silence. I’m more of a head person, but found the Field really helped my feeling of oneness with the world - similar to the group meditation with the blocks. Very grateful to have found Leela Tech and Quantum Upgrade!
Brian L.
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I am currently on a trial for Quantum Upgrade and am definitely looking to get a bundle in the post-trial months/years. Energetic-wise, I feel like I've managed to move onto something else thanks to Quantum Upgrade. I have let go of a 'burden' (associated with family) which I have been carrying on my shoulders for 18 years. I have put in efforts in the past years to work on this, and I thought it was all good, until the very night that I started my trial—I felt an overwhelming need to release the remnants. Physical-wise, I have experienced what I think it is a very impressive vitality rate. I feel a sense of zen overall, and my mind/thoughts do not race as before. Very thankful to the Universe for letting me encounter Quantum Upgrade, plus you guys as such a wonderful community.
Idun Ligander
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I have been using Leela Quantum products since the beginning of this year. I started using the Quantum Upgrade Field for YOU one month ago. Yesterday, I increased the Hawkins scale to 900. I suddenly re-lived a memory from my first day at daycare, where I had been forced to eat something I instinctively didn't want. I realised I had forced myself to swallow uncomfortability ever since, and a lot of my other behaviours throughout my life suddenly made sense and I was able to let go of that.
Luc B
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What I noticed the first 2-3 weeks was not a great feeling... but I continued the service telling myself that it is an adjustment of the frequency. I drank a lot of water as suggested and after the first phase of "detox", I feel great, more calm. Happy that I continued throug the fist phase.
Kathy Lynch
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Having members share their experiences with Quantum Upgrade is so helpful in recognizing one’s own shifts. I am in awe of the inner peace and range of synchronicities. My research into complementary vitality modalities for myself and family have opened new doors I sensed existed but needed help identifying. I appreciate this opportunity to learn from our group how deep our connections with positive energy have become.
Larry Pham
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I noticed that with the “Field for YOU” I am way more resilient than I used to be. I went into a moldy building and was able to feel better way way quicker than I used to. If I was exposed it used to take me 3-4 days to feel better, but this time it only took me 1 day and I was my old self again. It’s definitely something that isn’t very apparent but when iIlook back, since starting the subscription I’m able to take way more and not be as effected by it.
Devi Tara
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I’ve had the bundle 4 service for over a month now and the You service for a month and a half. I decided to try out the Field for YOU when I found out my father had passed away. Death is never easy to deal with, and being the oldest I had all the decisions/details, and siblings on top. I felt very supported through it all. I would have normally (energetically/physically) collapsed in the past, but I did not get taken down by unproductive patterns/thinking. The grief still came in waves but I was able to just feel it and be with it. I’m very impressed with the Quantum Upgrade, I would definitely recommend others give it a try when faced with a similar situation. I’ve also noticed much more energy and stamina. I feel more connected to myself, embodied. I’m currently changing career path’s and look forward to seeing how I can use the Quantum Upgrade in this area of life.
Jenn S
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I’ve noticed a greater sense of peace, contentment and ability to trust and surrender. I feel vibrant, lit up, capable and excited about the life I’m creating each day. I’m very impressed with the Quantum Upgrade, I would definitely recommend others give it a try when faced with a similar situation. I’ve also noticed much more energy and stamina. I feel more connected to myself, embodied. I’m currently changing career path’s and look forward to seeing how I can use the Quantum Upgrade in this area of life.
Gabriel Boscherini
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When I turned on the field, I felt a pressure lifted off my system which my body was coping with. Similar as to when your fridge stops making noise and you notice the background vibration was getting on your nerves without you really noticing and you have an instant sigh of relief. After that, I could see my eyes having an added spark in the mirror and I had an extra spring in my step. More life force for me !
Carole Moreno
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Some positive experiences so far (with Field for YOU and HOME) have been knowing that we were on the verge of feeligs bad but it reversed course before anything took hold, and we were cleaning out a room and had some furniture to get rid of and the transactions happened really fast and smoothly. I am also on a journey of working through some personal issues and am thankful to have the extra support of the Quantum Upgrade. We already had Leela Quantum Blocs in our home, but I love the service since it is giving me that higher level continually. I've been at 700 for a few weeks and am thinking to go up to 800 soon!
Damian Soto
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Personally, I've noticed an improved attitude and mentality, especially towards myself. Performing certain tasks just feel easier, there's not as much over thinking. As well as an interesting changes with women I encounter.
Jonathan Thomas
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I’ve been using Field for HOME for several weeks now, and I’ve noticed that I am calmer, and so are my children. Also, when I boost to 1100 for 30 minutes and do a meditation/breathwork session, the vibrations are much higher, and the session is much more profound.
Scott Hagedorn
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I had been using the Field For HOME service with very good results for a few weeks. I then had to travel to Los Angeles, CA, for work for 9 days, which I didn’t want to do. I decided to start using the Field for YOU the day of departure to create a field around myself. I had more energy than I usually do when traveling across the country, and made multiple, significant deals on the trip—it had been pretty slow before I started the service!
Sarah C.
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I have been using the Field for HOME for about two weeks now. My partner and I work from home and often our stress is carried over to home life and we can react to each other’s stress. However, since we have used the home subscription, our stress does not seem as pervasive and does not last as long as it normally does. The best part is, we don’t transfer our stress to the other anymore. When one is stressed, the other can still remain lighthearted and help the other. It is a huge change. There are more smiles in our home! I definitely have more energy and mental clarity at the end of the day when I would normally be exhausted!
Stephanie Roy
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My friend's daughter was being bullied at school, and the school was not handling the situation properly. We provided her with the YOU bundle and inner peace frequency, which are products intended to promote well-being. As a result, the frequency of bullying incidents gradually decreased. Sometimes she would avoid encountering the group entirely, and on other occasions, they would fail to notice her. In addition, when they did cross paths, she found herself surrounded by older and bigger kids. She described feeling as if she were protected by a bubble and had become mostly invisible to them. Fortunately, the bullies were also caught last week while bullying another student, and as a result, they were suspended.
Ashley Jones
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Since enrolling in the Quantum Upgrade for You, my family has experienced a significant increase in joy and harmony within our home. We are grateful to you for offering this incredible service. 🙌🏻
Nora V
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Quantum Upgrade Service-You. I could feel a greater sense of calmness once I began the service and even more so as I adjusted the level to better fit my needs. But using the frequencies has taken things to another level. Specifically using the Gratitude frequency added a wonderful sense of tranquility. The boosters have provided me with just the type of energy that I need in that moment: be it focus, relaxation or physical energy.
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After using Quantum Upgrade for one week, I have noticed significant improvements in my ability to handle negative-minded people. It has become much easier for me to resist being influenced by their negative talk. Additionally, starting my days with gratitude, both in my words and thoughts, has had a profound effect. I can immediately feel a surge of positive energy, and it seems that Quantum Upgrade helps keep my mind open, allowing positive, forgiving, and creative thoughts to be amplified. Overall, I am genuinely happy and satisfied with this service. 🙂
Jason Jones
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A few weeks ago, my wife activated the prosperity frequency. To my surprise, within just a few days, I began noticing an increase in business, resulting in a higher income for me. Moreover, I became aware of new career opportunities that have the potential to generate even more income than what I am currently earning.
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I have noticed many positive changes since using the Quantum Upgrade services! There is a newfound sense of calmness in our house, and I now handle unexpected situations much better. My reactions come from a grounded and peaceful state of mind and body. Despite having reduced hours at work, I have found other ways to generate income, and I can feel that my nervous system is in a much better place. Even my cat Ollives is experiencing healing, and I am grateful to Ian for contributing to that. Additionally, I recently won a giveaway from Serena, which has brought more good things into my life in a short amount of time. Moreover, I have been cutting back on coffee and opting for tea and other healthy choices in the mornings. The incredible work being done here is truly amazing, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you so much for everything! 🙏💙😊
Jay Douglas
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I am incredibly grateful for this service. Dealing with a toxic job environment and enduring the harsh winters of northern MN, I was in dire need of raising my vibration. Despite maintaining a good diet, exercise routine, and meditation practice, I felt that my state was deteriorating. However, when I used the booster in the Quantum Upgrade Service for the first time, I immediately sensed a profound expansion within my cells. Since then, I haven't looked back. The inclusion of the H.E.A.L. and Abundance frequency bundles has been instrumental in providing the specific support I require in any given moment. I feel more rested, at ease, kinder, and have gained a broader perspective on world events. During my meditation sessions with the booster, I have even experienced unexpected releases of old trauma. I am truly grateful for this transformative experience. Thank you!
Daryll Nugent
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From chemtrails to pesticides, electro smog, dead and deficient soils, GMO crop shedding, and poor water quality, just to name a few. However, the Quantum Upgrade, in particular, has given my body a chance to start repairing itself. With the upgrade active in the background, everything else I am doing works even better. I am looking forward to a new Earth with pristine water and healthy soils.👌
Hedge Pips
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I'm fairly new to the Quantum Upgrade, having signed up only about 2 weeks ago. The first few days were tough with very strong detox symptoms (nausea, congestion, runny nose, body aches, fever - typical cold symptoms). My resting heart rate increased substantially during this time as well. Perhaps it was due to the extra energy I was receiving? I'm not sure. The symptoms have now subsided, and I do feel that something has shifted, but I'm not exactly sure what that is. However, I'm looking forward to figuring it out as I continue this journey! Thank you so very much for providing this service!
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I've been using the Quantum Upgrade for several months now and have experienced greater ease in my meditations. I find that I am better able to allow emotions to pass without getting caught up in identifying with them. It has brought more harmony to my relationship and businesses (I have both YOU and business). It's been fantastic, and I'm incredibly grateful for it!
Stephanie Kayolson
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I have had the home service on for a few months and have noticed a huge difference in how the two doggies are doing! One of them had a cyst on his neck for ages, and it's nearly healed now. The plants in the house are also growing like crazy, and it's fantastic!
Carolee Mo
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For the last couple of months, I've been giving myself a boost when I attend my therapy sessions, which occur every other week. This extra boost has been helping me make more progress. During my session this week, I increased my boost to the 1100 level, and as a result, I found it easier to visualize and speak about what I was experiencing (using Internal Family Systems). I'm incredibly grateful for this additional support!
Thomas Alderson
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I am recovering from a long imbalance, and I am optimistic that the Quantum Upgrade is providing additional support to my mitochondria and protecting me from the harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF) that saturate my apartment.
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Since the group meditation, I have been imagining a web of interconnected beings surrounding the Earth, filling it with true freedom, peace, love, harmony, and mutual appreciation. Now, our social interactions seem deeper and more authentic in some way. It feels as if the upgrade is impacting not just me, but also the people around me.
Jamie Rose Wilson
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I have had great experiences with the Quantum Upgrade. Too many to name, but one that stands out is that I played with adding prosperity frequency to my morning and doing the Har meditation Philip shared a while back. The biggest shift I noticed in this is that suddenly everyday I was inspired and flooded with so many new business ideas and offerings to increase ways to bring in more income. With the Quantum Upgrade I feel an overall sense of energetic support and connection, adding the prosperity amped it up to a different level.
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I have mentioned in the past that Field for You has increased my energy and brought full nights of sleep back into my life after a decade's absence. The change in my energy field has opened up my intuition to recognize other appropriate healing modalities. It's like a bell ringing, saying, "This is for you." I am now enrolled in two energy-related courses that broaden my understanding of how our physical bodies interact with energy frequencies for abundant vitality and living. Synchronicities happen on a regular basis!
Jmara Jade
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I have been utilizing various forms of the Quantum Upgrade since September last year. Right away, I noticed that myself and my family were better equipped to handle day-to-day stress and smiled more (utilizing the HOME, YOU, and BUSINESS). I tried the abundance bundle for a while, but I didn't notice any significant shifts. However, recently, I started using the HEAL bundle, and I immediately noticed a difference. The Inner Peace frequency at night has allowed my husband to sleep through the night, something he hasn't done for years. During the day, the HEAL frequency has led to some detox symptoms for both of us. I just used the Nutritional Biobase for the first time during a workout, and it was the most energized and enjoyable workout I've had in a while! I will be trying it again to see if I consistently get these results.
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I have been using the Field of YOU, Home, and Business since last November. It has become much more effortless for me to tap back into the ideal mindset and get myself going. For a month, I let my friend use one of my bundles, and during that time, my productivity level dropped from 10 to 2 or 3. I was wondering why, but after having the bundle back for myself, I now understand why! One of my favorite ways to use the booster is when I have to do dishes late at night. It helps when I'm too tired or feeling lazy 😆 Additionally, it has been helpful when I need to digest something heavy like meat or dairy, which I don't usually eat. I can handle it without digestive enzymes now!
Sue K
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I only subscribed last week to You, Home, and Phone, and I added the H.E.A.L. bundle. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical, but I am already noticing differences. I have started sleeping again, which is quite miraculous considering I have tried every type of medication. Additionally, I had this weird rash on my face for over six months, and nothing seemed to help. However, after activating the Nutritional Biobase frequency, half of it disappeared within a day, and the remaining portion is now in the healing phase. I have also noticed that people seem friendlier, and animals don't shy away when I go for walks in the park. I can't wait to discover more!
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The Quantum Upgrade has had a profound impact on me. According to my friend, who is also a lifeguard, I now have a big lavender aura. I feel euphoric and in unity with others. Just a few months ago, my aura was very small due to imbalance. The Quantum energy has greatly accelerated my body's detoxification and repair processes. As my body adapted in the following weeks and I increased the Quantum Upgrade to 900, my aura started to change. It reduced in size and transformed from lavender to violet, blue-violet, blue, green, and now it is mostly an aqua blue. Furthermore, I recently learned how to see my hand's aura, and just yesterday, I witnessed my friend's aura for the first time! I am incredibly grateful to the Quantum Upgrade for its healing effects and for helping unlock new abilities within me.
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I am highly sensitive to energy, and in the past, I have used weaker remote quantum healing services, which I could easily perceive. However, the Quantum Upgrade is much more powerful and versatile to use. I absolutely love the boosts it provides, as they create an incredible feeling of calmness and peace. One of the fantastic features is the ability to schedule the boosts whenever you want. You can set them up to coincide with meditation sessions or specific meetings, which adds to their effectiveness. I am eagerly looking forward to trying out the higher levels in the future. I also have the extra bundle and currently use the HEAL frequency during the day and Inner Peace at night. It's remarkable how transformative these frequencies are. The mission of the Quantum Upgrade is truly amazing, and they are continuously moving forward and upward, benefiting their community. I highly recommend the Quantum Upgrade to everyone. It is an exceptional tool for personal growth and well-being.

Build Your Bundle

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Quantum Upgrade Service-You. I could feel a greater sense of calmness once I began the service and even more so as I adjusted the level to better fit my needs. But using the frequencies has taken things to another level. Specifically using the Gratitude frequency added a wonderful sense of tranquility. The boosters have provided me with just the type of energy that I need in that moment: be it focus, relaxation or physical energy.
Ashley Jones
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Since tuning on the abundance bundle, my two boys and I have been using gratitude, which has brought about an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation. Furthermore, my husband has been using prosperity during the day for his business, and he has already started to notice an increase in business and new career opportunities! 🙌🏻
Jason Jones
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I began using the Quantum Upgrade Service-You when I attended a healing seminar at the end of January. During the event, we engaged in powerful meditations that had a profound effect on me. I could sense the energy flowing through my body, bringing healing to my mind. Since being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 16, I have relied on various medications. However, at 37 years old, I am thrilled to share that I no longer require any medication. I attribute my healing to the grace of God, and I strongly believe that the Quantum Upgrade played a significant role in this transformative journey. I now have a whole new life ahead of me, filled with gratitude. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for providing these remarkable energies and all the benefits they bring.
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I recently started experimenting with the Heart Chakra frequency and I feel more centered in my heart throughout the day. This increased centeredness enhances the harmony in my relationships and enables me to love even difficult emotions or challenging individuals with greater ease. I'm grateful for this positive change.
Stephanie Kayolson
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I've also noticed that with the home service, certain people don't come over as much as they did before the service started. I know there is a buffer, but they must feel something that keeps them from the house (laughs). It's not the people we want to have around all that often anyway. Mostly family members who would drop by, and if I'm honest, we are happy to see them less frequently (laughs). So overall, it has been an incredibly interesting experience with the upgrade home service. I'm very grateful for Leela and the options we have with all the upgrade services. 😍😍😍
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I absolutely love being able to change my granddaughter's frequency to HEAL. She started to get a cold while traveling, and it seemed to follow her wherever she went. Intuitively, I wanted to try Agni for my son, and I was thrilled when he chose it for himself. After a couple of weeks, his relationships and projects have taken wonderful turns for the better. I am very grateful to be in the field while at work, especially with lots of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) around. Thank you!
Johannes S
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I used to be driven by stress, but over the course of the Quantum Upgrade, I have been able to shift away from that mindset and move towards being driven by vision and positive goals.
Janine M
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A friend of mine hadn't been to my house since I added the frequencies. She came over last night and kept commenting on how peaceful it was here. The inner peace frequency that I run in my house at night certainly works!
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Although Quantum Upgrade has provided me with benefits such as improved night rest and feeling less overwhelmed in public, the most significant effect for me has been the self-love and partnership frequency in the abundance bundle. It's as if my soul is now more deeply grounded within me, and I am engaging with others without attachment. This frequency was released just when I was wishing for it, and I feel like I can truly be myself, which is to embody unconditional love.
Penny Saiki
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I have the YOU frequency on Quantum Upgrade. While I was talking with a friend for about 10 minutes, a butterfly landed on my hat and remained there, flying away and returning throughout our conversation. I am currently on the 1100 level with Primal Source. It has been such a delightful and uplifting experience.
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I recently subscribed to the all-in-one frequency package. I often try them out regularly to find out what they do for me and which ones are the most effective. I particularly like the frequency "Multidimensional Protection." I experienced it last night while serving at a wedding. It gives me the impression that we're all on the same level, with no distinction between "superior and inferior" people. "Primal Source" makes me see things as a whole rather than separately. I find this frequency quite pleasant. However, I've been having trouble getting a good night's rest, so I've been using the "Inner Peace" frequency and "Inflammatory Support".
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I have completed my 15-day trial of the 3-bundle (you/home/dog) and have now subscribed to the service. I definitely would not want to continue without it. During the trial, I added the full frequency bundle a week in, as I started to understand how everything works. The most significant benefit I've noticed is a significant reduction in my stress levels. Although I still have worries and problems to work through, my overall attitude towards them has improved, which is rare for me. I live and work in somewhat stressful circumstances where the anticipation of various events used to trigger frequent bouts of anxiety and rumination. Since using the service, I feel much better. I must admit that I'm not entirely sure if I feel the effects of the boosters, but I started with low settings as advised, so maybe that's why. I sleep much better now and there is a greater sense of harmony and relaxation within my pack of three dogs. The dominant and eldest alpha dog, in particular, seems much more at peace. I'm still figuring out which frequency works best for different situations, especially during my workouts, but I'm improving. I don't own any physical products, so Quantum Upgrade is my first experience of this kind,.
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Hi all, I have been using the Infinity Blocs for nearly two years now and am currently on Level 9. Therefore, all the charged frequencies I carry with me are also at Level 9 intensity. Additionally, I perform the Quantum Upgrade at the highest level. Last week, for the first time, I encountered a complete stranger who told me they could see and feel the energy surrounding me. They mentioned that being in my presence was somehow energizing for them. It was truly unbelievable.
Amada AR
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I absolutely love Quantum Upgrade. I can't say enough about how it has changed my life. The Inner Peace frequency specifically helps me sleep through the night. I'm still experimenting with the other frequencies, but some of my favorites are Primal Source, H.E.A.L, and Gratitude.
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I am a two-time brain tumor survivor and I have been taking various medications, but I feel that the Quantum Upgrade has completely transformed my life. Approximately two months ago, I started using the Field for You, and I no longer wake up in pain. Thanks to the Inner Peace Frequency, I can now sleep soundly. I regularly utilize the Inflammatory Support frequency for aches, pains, and post-workout soreness, and it effectively alleviates any discomfort I experience. An incident where I accidentally stepped on a fire ant hill highlighted the efficacy of the Inflammatory Support frequency. Despite the unfortunate encounter, I felt minimal pain thanks to the support it provided. Additionally, when I banged my knee the other day, causing it to swell up, the Inflammatory Support frequency worked wonders, and the swelling quickly subsided. It was quite an amusing experience, as it bid farewell to the discomfort. Moreover, the Quantum Upgrade has positively influenced my overall self-care. I am now more conscious of my diet, exercise routine, and dental hygiene. With the assistance of frequencies like Primal Source and Happiness, among others, I was able to gradually wean myself off antidepressants. I constantly share with my family and friends how much Quantum Upgrade has improved my well-being, and I hope to acquire a Field for Home in the future.
Naya Oli
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I am highly sensitive to EMF, but since acquiring the Quantum Upgrade, I can now feel them without losing all my energy. I used to have a tendency to pick up low frequencies wherever I went, especially in houses and apartments. However, this no longer happens. I can sense that my level of fear regarding these two topics has drastically diminished. These two aspects have truly changed my life. 🦋🙏
Johannes S
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I am more sensitive to energies and capable of picking up on them in day-to-day life.
Lisa Beach
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I have 6 people on the Field for You, with 4 of them being unaware of it. Two of those individuals have given me blanket permission to perform any energetic work on their behalf, although they have never specifically heard of Quantum Upgrade or Leela. The other two individuals who are unaware of Quantum Upgrade are my 5 and 9-year-old children. Prior to Quantum Upgrade, we had two Infinity Blocks, a travel block, and two frequency cards. After a week on Quantum Upgrade, I noticed a clearing of "noise" in my life. I was no longer stuck in overanalyzing every decision in my personal life, business, and life purpose. My mother, who is also aware of Quantum Upgrade, experienced the same sensation. We both agreed that the shift was subtle but significant. It felt as though layers of emotional and energetic programming, as well as past traumas, were being peeled away without us actively working on them. Over the course of a couple of months, the effects have continued to be strong and apparent. I have observed that my husband and I are more communicative, despite not having much time to focus on our relationship. I feel a deeper connection with him. I have also noticed a decrease in the sense of dread associated with mundane tasks, and I feel more present in the current moment.
Barbara Langford-Fries
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I have a bundle of five frequencies, one of which is for my son's business, with his permission. Initially, things were a bit of a hassle, but there were changes made to poorly suited employees and the board of directors. New expansion plans are now in the works. Amazing synchronicities are occurring, and connections to people and professionals that had previously seemed impossible have appeared. It has been an incredible turnaround.
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Incredibly grateful and blessed to have the Leela Quantum Blocks and the Quantum Upgrade in our life and the lives of our kids families - grand kids, their homes, pets etc. The knowledge, the freedom, the raising of consciousness, the tools for health and wellness, protection and progression are priceless - an incredible gift to all. The very minute I heard about this company, I KNEW I was all in - instinctively, I knew it was what I'had been waiting for without realizing it at the time. Heartfelt gratitude for all you do dear Leela Q Team 🙌
Stephanie Roy
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I have an osteopathy clinic, and I have recommended Quantum Upgrade to several of my patients. During their treatment sessions, we both use boosters, and I have definitely noticed an improvement in the results. Sometimes, when the boost is not administered at the beginning of the treatment, I can feel its effects arriving in the bodies of my patients. Additionally, I have recently started incorporating similar frequencies into the treatment, such as DNA and Primal Source. I am eager to try out more frequencies, and if you have patients using Quantum Upgrade, I highly recommend giving it a try as well!