Bring The Power Of
Quantum Energy To Every
Area Of Your Life — Instantly

Tap into the limitless power of the quantum field to harmonize your energy, balance your body, boost performance and shield yourself from harmful EMF frequencies. Quantum Upgrade is a researched-backed way to bring much needed quantum into your home, car, phone, and life. Turn this service on in minutes, and control it from your phone, to instantly feel better anywhere you go.

Harness the Power of
Quantum Energy

Balance your energy, boost performance and shield yourself from EMF nasties. Quantum Upgrade is leading the way in natural health innovation, combining science and quantum energy healing into an accessible and simple-to-use subscription service you will love.

7 Days Free Trial


Total Research Projects and Studies 


Placebo-Controlled Studies

Everything Depends On
Quantum Energy

The universe consists of an infinite number of quantum fields. These fields bring matter into form and shape reality, in all forms. Our bodies are always interfacing with the quantum field and receiving or (in the case of toxic environments) losing energy. This service is designed to support your biological and bio-energetic connection to quantum energy — so that you can better meet the many demands of life and manifest more.

If you’re looking to bring more energy and higher levels of consciousness to any area of your life — whether it be family, work, partnership, finances, spiritual practice, or anything else — this service can support you by raising your field, instantly. Many feel the difference in a matter of minutes and begin noticing meaningful life changes in the first week or month.

How The Quantum Upgrade
Service Works

Normally, we think of energy moving in a “linear” manner — in other words, going from one place to another in a line. Yet what true seers have always known and scientists have recently found is that quantum energy moves in a different way that is non-linear and significantly more powerful.

First, two things experience something called quantum entanglement. This means they are connected or “associated” with each other. Once entangled, a change in one object or entity causes a change in the other — even if they are nowhere near each other.

This is how a mother can “feel” something is happening to her child, even if they are thousands of miles away. Because they are quantumly entangled. It’s also how scientists can take a skin cell or blood sample of an astronaut on earth, send them into space, and see changes in their skin or blood that still remains on earth!

bubble plant in quality

Change Is Happening Faster Than Ever,
and You Need to Stay Balanced
as You Live, Work and Play.

Boost Your Well-being
and Vitality

Harmonize your environment and your
body for balance, focus and improved performance. Whether you want to sleep
better, feel less stressed, or recover quicker.

Feel Confident You
are Protected

Say goodbye to EMFs for good! Shield your body, home, plants and animals from the disruptive energies of electromagnetic pollution.

Manifest Your

Naturally vibrate with the frequency of your intentions. By attuning to a stable frequency field with our quantum Upgrade you can reach your intentions with ease.

Quantum Upgrade Uses This Same Proven Principle

Through our many years of research and development with our best-selling product Leela Quantum Tech, we have developed one of the world’s most powerful sources of usable quantum energy. When you sign up for the service, we “associate” your home, phone, business, object, or pet with this source of energy. 

Upon activation, there is instant quantum entanglement and quantum energy begins to be delivered to whatever you’ve designated within your subscription. Those like empaths, energy healers, or those especially sensitive to EMF radiation will often notice the difference right away. Others may take more time, or never “feel” anything — until changes begin showing up in their lives. 

Feeling quantum energy is not necessary for it to work. All that is required is that whatever you want to energize and uplift be quantumly entangled with the source of this energy — which is what Quantum Upgrade does for you.

Quantum Upgrade Is the First Step in
Experiencing the World in a Whole New Way


It’s as simple as subscribing to our remote service for direct access to highly effective, pure quantum energy: boosting your consciousness and neutralizing EMF pollution in your space.


Pure quantum energy is
amplified across time and
space with the Quantum
Upgrade protocol, and is naturally
absorbed by your body
in measured and safe levels.


Happiness is a quantum state.
Enhance your wellness,
change your life, your environment
and be at your very best.

Powerful uplifting quantum
on these frequencies…

Quantum Upgrade is just what
you need to power your life in
ways unlike anything else. It's
one less thing you need to worry
about, just set and forget.

7 Days Free Trial

Quantum Upgrade is just what you need to power your life in ways unlike anything else. It's one less thing you need to worry about, just set and forget.

7 Days Free Trial

Activate Your Quantum Upgrade
- It’s Simple

Start Quantum Upgrade

Choose the plans you would like to
activate for yourself or someone


For each plan you choose, share with us
the location to send the energy.


Pure quantum energy will begin to flow
directly to your chosen locations.


Feel confident and know you are
surrounded by pure quantum
energy 24/7.

Good Vibes and Kind Words

From Our Happy Customers

Rochelle Aronson
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Normally I am tired and sleep all day, except on Sundays, but during the Quantum Upgrade I had a lot of energy and felt focused most of the time (which is unusual for me).
Angeline Powell
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I am in the process of packing up my house and saying goodbye. We are leaving 12 New York, where we have lived for eight and a half years, and preparing to move to South Carolina. So this energy transfer came at a good time. I feel grounded and stable, which I usually attribute to my meditation, cocoa and yoga rituals. A few days ago I had a chiropractic massage and it was very intense! Also, I've noticed that I'm usually very hard on myself, but of course I've been trying to cultivate love and compassion for myself for years, and this past week I felt relaxed and appreciative of myself. We moved on Friday, stayed for a week and then went on holiday for about 10 days. The next energy transfer will be when we officially move in and are ready to start our new life again - I think that will be fun and I look forward to it! Thank you.
Christy Shorak
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Wow! I am very happy about this order! It was an uncharacteristically hot and dry day. So I was sweating all day. I didn't realise that anything had started. Around 8pm the weather cooled down a bit and I started to feel the energy pulsing and sweating ...... I laughed and said, "Gosh, I bet the quantum upgrade has started sending energy :)" I remember the first time I had this feeling with my LeelaQ H.E. A.L. capsule and Quantum A.L. capsule. A.L. capsule and Quantum meter. I was energising myself. I don't know what you all are doing but this is great! I love it! My mother thought it sounded like a punishment, ha! I am very open and willing to raise my frequency and raise the frequency of everything around me as high as possible 🙂
Aileen Binthere
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I have to say it's great that ...... woke up with energy and knew I hadn't had my morning coffee! 😄 The timing of this upgrade couldn't have been more perfect for me, because these days I have to face tasks I've been putting off for years! Somehow all the mental and emotional obstacles to getting these things done have all but disappeared! I'm not sure I understand everything that's going on, but whatever it is, I'm definitely enjoying it! I am so happy that I get to experience all of this!
Lauren Medeiros
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Since the quantum upgrade, I feel more at home within myself. It's as if I know myself better. It reminds me of my childhood when I was free to be myself. When I could express myself, there was no filter on whether I should or not. My creativity flows and I know better what to focus on and how to shape my life.
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Why EMF Radiation Depletes Quantum Energy?

Over the recent years, our homes, cars, and phones have become immense sources of EMF radiation and pollution. Many homes have multiple wifi signals, cars have bluetooth/LTE, and phones have 5G. Because these frquencies are incoherent and not resonant with the human body, they will create biological disharmony and deplete you of quantum energy. We believe much of the stress and vitality challenges people face today are being greatly worsened by EMF pollution. 

Thankfully, Quantum Upgrade counters this phenomenon — FIRST, by bringing pure quantum energy to you, your home, car, and phone. This begins to reverse the depletion of quantum energy that has been happening in the many months and years of harmful EMF exposure. 

Second, Quantum Upgrade goes one step further by harmonizing the EMF sources within these areas — altering those frequencies in a way that makes them no longer toxic to your body.

When you harmonize harmful sources of EMF pollution, rendering them non-toxic, AND you replace the quantum energy you’ve lost — you get a powerful combination that greatly enhances your ability to regenerate, on a cellular level.

How Quantum Energy
Supports Change

How Quantum Energy Supports Change

In physics, there is a principle that says “an object in motion tends to remain in motion” — unless a new source of energy is introduced. We humans are the same way. It’s easier to continue doing the same things we’ve always done because change requires more energy. 

Yet what happens when you don’t have enough energy to change? Simple: you get stuck. This is where most of humanity is now. Stuck in old ways of thinking, acting, and living. 

One of the reasons why meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices can lead to such powerful transformations. They connect us to “source” or quantum energy, and with this additional energy, we can make shifts not possible before.


Start on a Path Towards Better Living and Join The Community.

Join Quantum Upgrade Community Telegram Group today and join thousands of people who are using our products and services, sharing tips and information, learning and growing together. Plus subscribe to our email list for updates on new releases, special offers and other discount perks!

Live in the Now. With the Power of Pure
Quantum Energy Flowing Through Your Body,
You Can Unleash Your True Potential and
Live a Life Filled With Happiness and Wellness.

Live in the Now. With the Power of Pure Quantum Energy Flowing Through Your Body, You Can Unleash Your True Potential and Live a Life Filled With Health and Wellness.

Boost your vitality and wellbeing with our Quantum Energy Stream Service.  Just plug yourself, your pets, your home or office into the quantum energy field. Unwind, relax and know there is a constant stream of quantum energy being sent straight to your mind, body or soul!

Designed to suit your modern lifestyle, and it is accessible for all – the world has finally reached a point in technology where such revolutionary services have now become possible. 

Enjoy the joy of being in a quantum energy environment every day!

7 Days Free Trial