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Quantum Healing Hypnosis: The Basics | Quantum Upgrade

Quantum Healing Hypnosis: The Basics

The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a powerful and transformative form of hypnotherapy developed by the renowned hypnotherapist and author Dolores Cannon. This unique method goes beyond traditional hypnosis by delving into the deepest levels of the subconscious mind.

This guide to QHHT explains the core principles of QHHT, the benefits it offers, and how it differs from regular hypnosis. Whether you’re new to QHHT or looking to deepen your understanding, this guide will provide valuable insights into this remarkable technique and its potential to transform lives.

What Is the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?

The QHHT is a form of hypnotherapy developed by Dolores Cannon, a well-known hypnotherapist and author. QHHT is designed to access the subconscious mind, which Cannon refers to as the “Higher Self” or “Oversoul,” to explore past lives and facilitate healing on a deep, spiritual level.

In her book The Convoluted Universe, Book Two, Cannon explained her approach to holistic healing, saying, “You do not realize the power of your own mind. By focusing on the reality you desire, you can create it. Your energy is scattered. Once you learn how to focus and direct it, you are capable of creating miracles.”

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The 5 Key Principles of QHHT

QHHT combines hypnosis, past life regression, and spiritual guidance to help you access deeper levels of consciousness for healing and transformation. It does this by focusing on five key components:

  • The somnambulistic state: QHHT involves being guided into a deep state of relaxation known as the somnambulistic state. This is a state of consciousness where you can access memories from past lives and connect with the subconscious mind. Cannon believed that this deep state allowed individuals to bypass the conscious mind, making it possible to access hidden memories and profound wisdom.
  • Exploration of past lives: During a QHHT session, you are often guided to explore one or more past lives. The purpose of this exploration is to uncover connections to your current life, including unexplained fears, phobias, or physical ailments. By understanding and processing these past life experiences, clients may find relief from their current issues.
  • Communicating with the subconscious: A unique aspect of QHHT is the dialogue with the subconscious mind. The practitioner can ask the subconscious questions related to your life purpose, relationships, health, and other areas of concern. The subconscious provides answers and guidance, which are often insightful and healing.

Julia Cannon, the daughter of Dolores Cannon, has continued her mother’s work and is the CEO of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. In a podcast interview, she explained this aspect of QHHT, saying, “When you have a QHHT session, you are accessing that part of you that has all the answers. All answers lie within, it’s just a matter of contacting that part of us. This all-knowing is the connection or source to God, the higher self, whatever you call it. We get information from this part of ourselves all the time if we would just allow it.”

  • Healing and transformation: One of the primary goals of QHHT is healing. The subconscious is believed to have the power to heal the body and mind. QHHT clients report experiencing physical and emotional healing during or after sessions, as the subconscious mind is said to provide direct instructions for healing or facilitate spontaneous healing.
  • Non-invasive and spiritual: QHHT is considered a non-invasive technique that respects the client’s spiritual beliefs. The process is tailored to each individual’s needs, and the information revealed during sessions is intended to help clients gain insight and achieve personal growth.

What are the Benefits of QHHT?

The main benefits of QHHT come from connecting with your higher self, which can lead to personal empowerment, spiritual growth, emotional healing, and several other positive factors.

Personal Empowerment

QHHT can help give you clarity and improve your decision making skills. It accesses the subconscious by connecting with past lives in order to provide clear answers to personal dilemmas in your career, relationships, personal life.

Los Angeles-based QHHT practitioner Andy Sway explains this clarity as grounding. On his blog, he says, “The outer world is one of manifested phenomena and the inner world is where the inspiration and intuition emerge to direct the outward manifestations. We are the meeting point between the two. When you achieve a grounded state, life slows down around you and you have opportunities you never saw with your overactive, over analytical mind.”

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Spiritual Growth

By exploring your past lives through QHHT, you get insights into your soul’s journey and past experiences. Doing so helps you make sense of your current life challenges, relationships, and personal characteristics. The connection to your higher self or subconscious mind through past lives regression can lead to a greater sense of peace, direction, or alignment with your true self.

Shannon Rollins is a hypnotist who explains how QHHT taps into and expands your spiritual mind. Exploring past lives is one of the most important ways that QHHT grows your spirituality according to Rollins. She says, “By gaining insight into the deeper layers of their soul’s journey, individuals can heal past traumas, release karmic attachments, and accelerate their evolution towards higher states of consciousness.”

Emotional Healing

QHHT sessions often help individuals uncover the root causes of emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, or unresolved trauma. Addressing these deep-seated issues with the subconscious mind can bring about emotional relief and healing.

Reduction of Stress and Anxiety

The deep trance state induced during QHHT sessions is inherently relaxing, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. The insights gained during the session can also help alleviate worries and fears by providing a broader perspective on life’s challenges.

Holistic Well-Being

QHHT promotes the integration of mind, body, and spirit, offering a holistic approach to healing. This mind-body-spirit connection can lead to a more balanced and harmonious life, where physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth are aligned.

Dolores Cannon explained this idea in her book, The Convoluted Universe Book I, saying, “People became so involved in their personalities, and their day-to-day living and goings-in and goings-out, that they began to pull away from the collective. Pull away from the source. Pull away from that which is. To become separate from All That Is, and to become individualized. And so as an individual person or being, they chose separation from source.”

Staying connected to the source, as Cannon calls it, is fundamental to understanding the benefits of QHHT.

How QHHT is Different from Regular Hypnosis

While both QHHT and regular hypnosis involve guiding the client into a trance state to access the subconscious mind, QHHT is distinct in its focus on deep trance states, past life exploration, and holistic healing. It’s a spiritually oriented practice that aims to provide profound insights and healing by connecting with the Higher Self, whereas regular hypnosis is typically more focused on specific therapeutic goals and may not delve into the spiritual aspects of the subconscious mind.

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Depth of Trance

QHHT practitioners aim to guide you into a somnambulistic state, which is one of the deepest levels of trance. This state is believed to be where you can access the subconscious mind or the Higher Self, which holds deep spiritual insights and the ability to facilitate healing.

Traditional hypnosis, on the other hand, may involve a lighter or moderate trance state, depending on the goals of the session. Often these goals include addressing habits or phobias, or managing stress. The depth of the trance in regular hypnosis is usually tailored to your therapeutic needs.

Past Life Regression

QHHT is a past life regression technique, developed on the principle that understanding and accessing past life experiences can provide valuable insights into a person’s current life challenges or health issues. QHHT sessions involve reliving scenes from a past or alternate life, which then provides insights for healing or dealing with problems in this life.

While some forms of traditional hypnosis, like past life regression therapy, also explore past lives, it’s not a standard focus in most hypnosis practices. Regular hypnosis typically aims to address specific issues like anxiety, smoking cessation, or weight loss, without delving into past lives unless you specifically request it.

Communication With The Subconscious

One of the unique aspects of QHHT is the direct communication with the subconscious mind (also referred to as the Higher Self). The practitioner can ask the subconscious questions about your life purpose, health issues, and personal challenges. The subconscious can then provide answers and even facilitate healing, which is a central part of the QHHT experience.

In standard hypnosis, the focus is usually on altering specific behaviors or thought patterns through suggestions made to the subconscious. The direct, two-way communication with the subconscious seen in QHHT is not typically emphasized in regular hypnosis.

Healing Intentions

QHHT is sought out for its holistic healing potential, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The technique is designed not just for behavior modification but for deep healing, which can include spontaneous physical healing, emotional release, and spiritual awakening.

Regular hypnosis is more focused on specific therapeutic outcomes, such as reducing anxiety, overcoming fears, or changing habits. The scope of healing in regular hypnosis is generally more focused on mental and emotional health rather than the broader spiritual or physical healing sought in QHHT.

Holistic and Spiritual Approach

QHHT is deeply rooted in a spiritual framework, with the belief that the subconscious mind is connected to a higher source of wisdom and healing power. This approach is holistic, aiming to address the client’s overall well-being, including their spiritual and existential concerns.

Traditional hypnosis may or may not include a spiritual component, depending on the practitioner’s approach and the client’s beliefs. It is generally more focused on practical outcomes in the context of mental and behavioral health.

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QHHT Resources to Check Out

Whether you’re interested in exploring the benefit of QHHT for your own well-being, or you want to become a QHHT practitioner, you can learn more about it by checking out these resources:

  • QHHT official website: The official website of Dolores Cannon provides comprehensive information about QHHT. You can learn about its history, methodology, and certification programs for those interested in becoming practitioners. The site also includes articles, case studies, and client testimonials.
  • Dolores cannon books: To get a foundational understanding of QHHT, you can read The Convoluted Universe series and Between Life and Death by Dolores Cannon. These books provide in-depth insights into her discoveries through QHHT sessions and are excellent resources for both practitioners and those curious about the technique.
  • QHHT official YouTube channel: The official QHHT YouTube channel offers video content, including interviews, Q&A sessions, and demonstrations of QHHT sessions. This is a great resource for visual learners who want to see the technique in action.
  • Online communities: There are several Facebook groups dedicated to QHHT, including Dolores Cannon Practitioners and Students, which is run by Julia Cannon. The subreddit r/QHHT is also a small community where you may be able to connect with others interested in QHHT.
  • Workshops and training: The Dolores Cannon official website has information about workshops and training courses you can join to learn the fundamentals of QHHT and get certified as a practitioner.

How to Find a QHHT Practitioner

It’s not difficult to find a QHHT practitioner if you’re interested in having a session. Some tips for finding a qualified practitioner are:

  • Check the official QHHT practitioner directory on the QHHT official website
  • Search online forums and social media for recommendations from others
  • Attend QHHT workshops and events
  • Ask at a local holistic or spiritual wellness center for recommendations
  • Check review sites like Yelp or Google Reviews

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Practitioner

  • Certification level: Ensure the practitioner is certified by Dolores Cannon’s QHHT Academy. Higher certification levels (Level 2 and Level 3) indicate more experience.
  • Client testimonials: Look for testimonials or reviews that speak to the practitioner’s effectiveness and the experiences of other clients.
  • Comfort and Connection: It’s important to feel comfortable with your practitioner, as QHHT sessions are deeply personal. Many practitioners offer a free consultation to help determine if they’re the right fit for you.
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Whether you are seeking personal empowerment, spiritual growth, or emotional healing, QHHT provides a powerful tool for connecting with your higher self and uncovering the deeper layers of your soul’s journey. By understanding the key principles and benefits of QHHT, you can make informed decisions about whether this technique is right for you.

As you consider exploring QHHT further, remember that finding a qualified practitioner and feeling comfortable with them is crucial for a successful experience. With the right guidance, QHHT can be a transformative journey that leads to greater clarity, healing, and alignment with your true self. Whether you are drawn to QHHT for its spiritual insights or its potential for deep healing, this technique offers a pathway to profound self-discovery and growth.