The ALL in Upgrade Bundle

From: $70.00 / month with a 7-day free trial

Das ALL IN Upgrade-Paket enthält alle sechs Produkte:

  • The Field für dein Zuhause
  • The Field für Dich
  • The Field für dein Unternehmen
  • The Field für dein Tier
  • The Field für dein Auto
  • The Field für dein Handy

what to expect from

Schützen Sie sich und Ihre Lieben mit dem ALL IN Upgrade Bundle!

Das ALL IN Upgrade-Paket enthält alle sechs unserer Produkte: Das Feld für Ihr ZUHAUSE, das Feld für SIE, das Feld für Ihr GESCHÄFT, das Feld für Ihr Haustier, das Feld für Ihr AUTO und das Feld für Ihr TELEFON.

Mit diesem Paket sind Sie in der Lage, eine positive, energetische Umgebung zu schaffen, die das Bewusstsein in Ihrem Raum unterstützt. Du kannst alle Bereiche deines Lebens verstärken und harmonisieren – von Gesundheit und Beziehungen bis hin zu Finanzen, Selbstdarstellung und spirituellem Wachstum.

Sie werden es lieben, wie viel einfacher es ist, alltägliche Aufgaben zu erledigen, wenn Sie sich durch die reinen Quantenenergiefelder um Sie herum gestärkt fühlen!


I have been able to identify the emotional blocks that prevent me from becoming the person I aspire to be—an elevated version of myself characterized by a constant sense of peace and safety.
I have been using Quantum Upgrade for 2 months, and I love it. I have a better social time during boosts. One drawback is that I experience a strong detox response, so I need to use activated charcoal daily after boosts.
Amada AR
I have seen a positive change in my business with the Field for Business. I have noticed a shift in energy among the employees, and there has been an increase in revenue. I'm loving it!
I have been able to identify the emotional blocks that prevent me from becoming the person I aspire to be—an elevated version of myself characterized by a constant sense of peace and safety.
I have been using Quantum Upgrade for 2 months, and I love it. I have a better social time during boosts. One drawback is that I experience a strong detox response, so I need to use activated charcoal daily after boosts.
Amada AR
I have seen a positive change in my business with the Field for Business. I have noticed a shift in energy among the employees, and there has been an increase in revenue. I'm loving it!
I have been able to identify the emotional blocks that prevent me from becoming the person I aspire to be—an elevated version of myself characterized by a constant sense of peace and safety.
I have been using Quantum Upgrade for 2 months, and I love it. I have a better social time during boosts. One drawback is that I experience a strong detox response, so I need to use activated charcoal daily after boosts.
Amada AR
I have seen a positive change in my business with the Field for Business. I have noticed a shift in energy among the employees, and there has been an increase in revenue. I'm loving it!