Preserving Your Presence of Mind in Our Tech-Heavy World
We are constantly plugged into the Internet. With the neverending barrage of emails, text messages, notifications and social media posts we can barely find a moment to collect our thoughts, let alone focus on being more mindful. And yet, this is the exact reason we should focus on meditative practices.
Now more than ever we have to concern ourselves with the various electronic devices in our lives, and more importantly, the pitfalls of their presence in our lives. There are various mental, emotional, and physical issues that can arise from our heavy tech usage.
This post will explain some of the reasons how EMFs and our plugged-in lives can be impacting us on a mental, emotional, physical and even energetic level and some strategies for mindfulness and preserving your energy.
The Issues With Technology
From our devices to the ways we need to use them like 5G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth there is an unseen toll on our lives. They impact our focus, are impacting our brains and mental health and there are even issues with the way these energies engage with our bodies.
EMFs are the electromagnetic fields these devices create. EMF radiation surrounds our devices and is also present in wi-fi, 5G and Bluetooth. This radiation can impact us on a cellular and energetic level.
Basically, anything with an electrical charge from your phone and laptop to your physical body has an electromagnetic field. Our devices engage with our electromagnetic field on a spectrum outside of the visual field on the atomic level.
We can’t observe these fields intermingling but we can observe the effects. For example, on the cellular level thirsty ions try to correct their missing electrons by attacking your cells to help regulate their electron deficit. This puts our cells under oxidative stress.
The same thing happens to certain cells as we age that are struggling with a similar electron deficit. They attack living cells and this is what happens when we age. There are also free radicals in the world ranging from toxic chemicals like air pollution to even alcohol and fried foods that put this same stress on our cells.

EMFs can also impact our mental health and have been tied to our sleep quality. It can throw off our circadian rhythm and impact our natural melatonin levels which can mean that we don’t get sufficient sleep. There also has been limited study into the full impact of EMFs on our body but there have been some studies that point to the potentially increasing depression or anxiety and the oxidative stress can also affect our mental health.
In addition to EMF the dopamine chasing of our modern social media habits and cell phone addictions. This excessive phone use is leading to greater feelings of depression, loneliness and making people more sedentary and distracted. One study found a direct connection with social media use and feelings of loneliness.
The importance of antioxidants is they solve this electron issue in a healthy way. This helps offset the toll they take on our body. EMFs can also go deeper than our electromagnetic field and potentially denature cells or enter our nuclei and corrupt DNA. This can impact how cells reproduce and why EMFs can increase your cancer risk.
Finding Mindfulness in The Digital World
Now that we’ve reviewed some issues of EMFs and our digital age, let’s review some tips to reclaim your mental clarity and be more mindful.
1. Don’t Use Technology in the Morning
Our instinct can be to grab our phone first thing in the morning to turn off our alarm, check our email, socials, or texts. This programs us to seek out the dopamine from our phone all day. Carving out some time away from your devices early in the morning reclaims some of your will power, mental energy and focus.
Not only are you less likely to chase that dopamine high if you don’t start your morning like that, taking time away from your devices is vital to limiting how impacted you get by EMFs. Not to mention, the morning is the perfect time to meditate, exercise, and center yourself for your day.
2. Keep EMFs Out of Your Bedroom
Rest is one of the most vital things we need for a clear mind. When we sleep we dream, process the day, and our mind recalibrates for a whole new day. Keeping electronic devices out of your sleep space can help you get more rest. Not using screens before bed ensures that you properly wind down your mind before bed.
You also need rest to mitigate the toll of EMFs on your body. When you sleep your body will naturally recover from some of the toll of the various impacts of our day. Keeping EMFs outside of your bedroom or shielding your sleep space from EMFs can make sure that you give your body time to heal. .
This also reduces the chances of your devices affecting your sleep. Having your phone in your sleep area can allow them to impact your sleep and encourage you to check your phone early in the morning.

3. Consider Lo-Fi Alternatives
While technology is great and adding more features and apps to your phones can help make things easier or be exciting there is something to be said for classics. Sometimes having a notebook instead of using your notes app can give you an important break from your device. It can also help you connect with your thoughts and write more intentionally.
Having an MP3 Player or playing old vinyls can eliminate the intense amount of EMF exposure of using your phone from everything or internet-accessible devices. This means you can focus on fully appreciating music rather than being distracted by potential notifications or ads.
Additionally, a classic alarm clock might be the ideal solution to avoiding checking your phone each morning and keeping devices out of your bedroom.
4. Harmonize Your Energy
Quantum energy can harmonize your energy field and neutralize EMFs packing a double dose of value. Quantum Upgrade allows you to get an influx of pure quantum energy. Quantum energy has a pure net positive that provides shielding from energy drains, naturally neutralizing EMFs thirsty for electrons.
Quantum energy has also been linked to boosting ATP production which increases your energy on the cellular level and also aids in cellular recovery. This not only neutralizes EMFs but can help with some of the issues caused by excessive EMF exposure.
Additionally, it provides your body with clean, clear energy which can help you feel more centered. So often, our bodies can react to different impacts on our energy. We can be short on patience, feel anxious, or tired because of what’s happening to our energy.
Quantum energy can provide you with a clearer baseline to keep you centered and make changes from a place of preserving your energy.
5. Tech-Free Time
Our tech-heavy world means that we are constantly overstimulated. From all of our notifications, consistent doom scrolling, and barrage of information our brain needs downtime. Taking time in silence or darkness whether in meditation or nature can be great to help balance your mind, emotions, and energy.
Time away from the overstimulation of our digital world is one potential solution to the mental health issue of our digital age. The concept of digital dementia is entering scientific study as people are finding cognitive decline, memory issues, and trouble with concentration due to the hyperstimulation of our excessive device use and dopamine addiction.
Taking time away can give your brain and body time to detox from the potential for these issues. It’s also a natural way to come back to yourself. Time in isolation even if it’s 10 minutes in total darkness and silence can be so restorative.
This can help you reconnect to your body, catch up with the various parts of you that are split in all directions, and center you on the present moment to hone more mindfulness.

These may seem like simple ideas but so much of mindfulness is getting back to basics. The more you can ground yourself in the present moment and eliminate some of the mental and emotional chatter you reclaim so much more clarity.
Additionally, as you eliminate your reliance on devices and the energetic impact they have on your mind, body, and attention you also can reclaim so much more time, patience, and focus. Our devices are amazing and the innovation is a godsend but now, more than ever, we need to be mindful to control our use over our devices rather than let our device use control us.