Beautician makes RF lifting for rejuvenation woman face, anti aging cosmetic procedure

Exploring Anti-Aging Tips And Strategies

Beautician doing ultrasonic face cleaning for young client
© Anna Shvets via pexels

Is Preserving Your Youth Possible?

No one likes getting older. Whether it’s wanting to retain your looks, continue the activities you’re used to, or even enjoy life more now that you have the wisdom to know how to do so it’s not uncommon to want to hold on to your youth and vitality as long as you can. Is that possible? What has science shown us about preserving your youth?

Many scientific discoveries are at your disposal to address the issues of aging and just might stall nature in its tracks. Can they give you a boost in keeping your youthful appearance, vitality, and cognitive functioning?

Anti-aging is more than just a selling point for skin products. People are exploring various strategies to boost their body’s potential and to stall or even reverse some of our body’s natural processes that change as we grow older. Whether you want to try all-natural remedies or cutting edge science a little can go a long way in retaining your youth.

This post will explore some simple anti-aging strategies to get you started on exploring what can push your life expectancy, keep some of your youthful exuberance, vibrancy, or even your skin’s elasticity. Let’s dive in.

Start a Skincare Regimen

Speaking of skin elasticity, it’s no secret that people want to look younger. While some may focus on botox or fillers to try and preserve their youthful appearance there’s something to be said to instead focus on a regular skin regimen.

While we often look for a quick fix, regularity and keeping an eye on your day-to-day habits can mean so much more. While those cosmetic procedures can impact how you look in the short term, the right skin care regimen can work from the inside out.

Creating a regular routine ensures you regularly apply sun protection and keep your skin moisturized. This ensures less wear and tear on your skin while also preserving a lot of your skin’s elasticity and overall quality. The goals are to keep your skin protected from the sun, hydrated, and moisturized to reduce the likelihood of developing wrinkles and fine lines.

Overwashing your face can also be a cosmetic issue for your skin by causing dryness. A gentle or oil-based cleanser can ensure that you regularly wash your face without reducing your moisture. Regularly moisturizing can help prevent some skin dehydration which can also cause some of what we view as aging i.e. wrinkles, loss of elasticity, etc. 

No matter when you begin your skin care journey you can help mitigate a lot of the natural damage you get over time with the right habits. It’s also vital that you regularly apply some sun protection to help reduce the effects of the sun. Speaking of the sun…

Woman Applying Skincare on Face
© Nicole Schlaeppi via baseimage
Clouds in the Sky
© Hans via pixabay

Stay Safe In the Sun

Sun protection is vital for your health to prevent skin cancer but it can often get ignored. Excessive sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots, and potential harmful effects. The reason is sun exposure without UV protection like sunscreen means that you’re bombarded by ultraviolet radiation.

One major issue with climate change is that much of our atmosphere’s natural protections against UV radiation are getting depleted meaning stronger UV exposure. Now more than ever it’s important to keep an eye on your sun protection routine.

Ultraviolet exposure means that your body’s cells are bombarded by radiation which can cause premature aging and in extreme cases burning. As we age, our cells can undergo oxidative stress which is when unstable molecules of old cells called free radicals attack healthy cells to try to steal electrons because they’re imbalanced.

Similarly, UV radiation can expose your skin to ions that will try to steal electrons and increase this experience causing premature aging or cell damage. Additionally, heavy UV radiation can damage collagen, one of the compounds that maintains your skin elasticity.

With proper sun protection like sunscreen or UV preventive hats and clothing you can eliminate a lot of excess sun exposure which is a major cause of aging. Is there a way to reduce oxidative stress?

Get All of the Antioxidants

Antioxidants are so vital for our health because they help mitigate oxidative stress. Our body will naturally create antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. Aging naturally can slow some processes or we can have slight deficiencies in some of these compounds. For example, when we have less antioxidants than free radicals it increases the aging process.

Antioxidants ensure that we combat both natural cell aging and the premature aging caused by various free radicals in our environment. Free radicals exist naturally in anything from air pollution to fried foods. Part of why the health craze of superfoods is that some foods are rich with antioxidants like berries, especially goji and blueberries, some nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Antioxidants in our diets help protect cells from these free radical attacks.

Are there ways to reduce free radicals, too?

Kick Those Vices

Everyone has vices like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, processed or fried foods and sugary snacks. You know they’re bad for you but in the moment they can feel so good. These not only can have a whole host of issues to your health like increasing your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.

These vices have free radicals which means that they increase aging by putting your cells under excess oxidative stress, not to mention making your body do more work to process compounds that don’t belong there.

Multiple studies have found that alcohol can increase your biological aging. Daily consumption of liquor for five years had a four-month acceleration in biological aging, so drinking for 15 years would make you one year older biologically.

Similarly, smoking can impact collagen, elastin, and skin thickness which can increase fine lines and wrinkles.

Additionally, many of these vices can impact your hydration levels. Dehydration is also a major concern for those wanting to preserve their youth and reduce the impact of aging on their skin and body. Speaking of water…

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate!

One major way to preserve a youthful experience is to stay properly hydrated. Water is not just vital for life, proper hydration is a key to a healthy and youthful appearance. Part of what can cause sagging and wrinkles is a lack of hydration on the cellular level.

Man hand crushing cigarette.
© Tharakorn arunothai via Tharakorn arunothai
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© Susannah Townsend via baseimage

By drinking enough water you ensure that not only your skin cells are plump and well-hydrated it can help add to skin elasticity. Water helps flush toxins and ensures your skin has the right pH level as well. Hydration also lends to moisturizing from the inside out. It can be one of the basics that we miss with our busy schedules but proper hydration is important for your health.  Speaking of basic health strategies…

Sleep is Fundamental

Sleep is vital for our health. When our body rests there are a myriad of biological processes that happen while you’re out for the night. Sleep is when our body does the work to reverse the effects of all of the cellular stress and perform vital cell repair after everything we face on a daily basis.

Sleep is also vital for our brain health as our nervous system can perform vital processes to rewire the brain, our immune system fortifies itself, and our body will also regulate our insulin levels. Besides all of the vital biological benefits of sleep, beauty sleep is not a myth. Adequate sleep was found to promote a healthier appearance and better skin quality.

Sleep is also vital for managing our energy levels. Are there other ways to boost your energy?

Quantum Energy Upgrade

One of the hallmarks of aging is losing our general sense of vitality. We know that staying active, proper meal planning, and all of the tips mentioned here can preserve your youth. How do you find the energy?

Quantum Upgrade gives you a regular influx of pure quantum energy. This not only boosts your energy to be able to incorporate many of these strategies and do the work to live a healthier life. Quantum energy has been found to increase cellular repair, ATP production which increases your energy on the cellular level and can neutralize EMFs.

EMFs are a subtle form of electromagnetic radiation that surround all of our electronic devices and can compound some of our oxidative stress. By neutralizing EMFs we offset their impact on the body. Not to mention, it helps you retain some of the youthful exuberance you can lose over time.


Aging is a natural part of life, however, science has shown us how and why it happens. With that, we have a greater understanding of how to potentially stall or even reverse it. We all want to be healthier, drink more water, and eat better but preserving your youth just might be the motivation you need.

Here’s hoping that these subtle simple changes and how they’re all interrelated can help you not make the changes to preserve your youth to get more out of life. Whether it is cosmetic or energetic you can manage some natural biological processes and reverse some changes that happen to your body when you age by making simple shifts in your daily life.