Person Holding Using Mobile Phone

The Hidden Impact: How Electromagnetic Frequencies Affect Your Daily Well-being

In the last two decades, our use of technology has increased exponentially. Previously, landlines were the only type of phone available, but nowadays, mobile phones are everywhere, a factor that has heightened our EMF exposure.

Below, you will learn about EMFs, how they impact your health, and different ways you can protect yourself from them.

Nomophobia Concept with Asian Woman Sleeping with Hand Still holding mobile Phone,
© Doucefleur via Getty Images

What are EMFs?

Also known as electromagnetic fields, EMFs are a form of invisible energy (electromagnetic energy) created by the flow and movement of electric particles.

EMFs exist in everything and are all around us, including the stars, the sun, and the electricity that run our devices.

How does EMF radiation affect your health?

The human body consists of billions of cells, each with its particular electromagnetic field. Studies have shown increased EMF exposure can negatively impact the body’s standard electromagnetic field.

As a result, you are likely to experience health issues like the ones discussed below.

Lack of sleep / Irregular sleep cycles

Inside your brain, there is a hormone called Melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland.

Melatonin is responsible for managing your circadian rhythm (sleep and wake-up cycle)

Increased EMF radiation in the body affects melatonin production and disrupts sleep patterns, making it hard to sleep (insomnia).

Lack of enough sleep or a poor sleeping cycle causes fatigue, irritability, constant exhaustion, and reduced productivity.

It can cause fertility issues and cancer.

Devices such as computers, televisions, and phones are a significant source of electromagnetic energy (EMF). Most of us use these gadgets almost daily, and they emit radiofrequency (RF) EMFs that may damage DNA, cause fertility problems, and cause tumors.

A recent study found that people using their cell phones for over an hour daily have a higher chance of developing brain tumors, particularly on the side where they mostly place the phone.

Additionally, a similar report stated that men who keep phones in their pockets or use laptops on their laps frequently tend to have low-quality sperm or a decreased sperm count.

Electrical wiring and power lines are also significant sources of EMF radiation. They produce shallow frequency (ELF) EMFs, which scientists consider carcinogens that can cause cancer, specifically leukemia.

Numerous studies have shown that children living in homes with higher amounts of ELF EMFs are more prone to cancer compared to those living in homes with lesser amounts.

How to protect yourself from EMF exposure?

Consume antioxidant-rich foods

Foods such as organic nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables lower the oxidative stress in your body and protect tissues and cells from damage by free radicals resulting from EMF radiation. The foods act as a form of EMF protection.

Schedule device free time

Set aside one or two hours a day when utterly free from all technological devices. For instance, you can make your bedroom device-free by removing all smart devices, phones, and TVs so that for the few hours you are in the room, there is minimal EMF exposure.

High Angle View of Man with Laptop on Lap and Phone in Hand
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Barefoot young woman on grass with daisies
© Larisa Stefanuyk via Getty Images

Consider joining Quantum Upgrade.

We all have natural quantum energy around us. EMF radiation interferes with it, resulting in fatigue, reduced vitality, and illnesses.

By joining Quantum Upgrade, you can access an unlimited supply of quantum energy that can neutralize EMFs, increase vitality, improve well-being, and help manifest intentions by attuning you to a stable frequency. Quantum Upgrade provides quantum energy depending on your particular needs.

Reduce time spent in high EMF environments.

Areas like airports, power plants, and x-ray rooms have a lot of machines and consequently EMF radiation. It’s advisable to limit time spent in such environments.

If you work in these areas, all is not lost. You can wear EMF protection clothing that will significantly lower your exposure. Additionally, you can practice grounding by walking barefoot so that all the radiation in your body returns to the earth.

Keep all electronic devices away from the body.

Avoid carrying cell phones and other similar devices in the pockets, and whenever making or receiving phone calls, it’s preferable to use the loudspeaker feature.

You can also prioritize using wired gadgets instead of wireless ones. Wired gadgets emit lesser EMFs.

Final words

It may seem like an uphill battle, but you can protect your pets, loved ones, and yourself from electromagnetic frequencies. Employ the tips outlined above consistently, and you will live a healthier and more fulfilling life.