Work Desk with Gadgets

EMF Protection For Students Using Digital Devices

Kids in a Computer Lab Typing on a Keyboard
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Avoiding EMF Radiation in School Environments

There are countless new developments in technology that have made it easier to learn, given students access to vast amounts of information and become part of the day-to-day school environment. Students get to work with so many devices but there is an issue: exposure to EMF radiation around anything with an electrical charge.

While not at the same level of intensity as a piece of uranium or an X-ray machine there’s a lot of EMF radiation in tech heavy spaces like computer labs or classrooms where students can have 2-3 devices each. This can create excessive EMF exposure which science has not fully grasped the full scope of.

We do not have a full picture of the long term impact of EMF radiation on the body, but we do know children can be uniquely susceptible to EMF radiation given their developing bodies. Whether children or adults it’s important to explore ways to mitigate your EMF exposure risk while not sacrificing learning. This post offers some tips to reduce the amount of EMFs you must endure to educate yourself or others.

The Issue With EMFs

EMFs, or electromagnetic fields are a necessary evil to technology. While they’re not necessarily evil, more problematic, they are a natural part of anything that has an electric current. Even, the human body has its own electromagnetic field around it. Part of the issue is as we use our devices more, work with more Internet accessible and Bluetooth devices and expand from 4G to 5G or higher this EMF radiation can interact with our field.

Good luck telling someone, especially a young person, to reduce their Internet or phone use or time on devices. And yet, as our society keeps using more technology, science will continue to be one step behind because we cannot always get a full awareness of what all of this EMF exposure is doing to us until issues present themselves which can often be too late.

When scientists run studies they can only estimate the amount of screentime or phone use. Meanwhile, how many people binge watch shows for hours on end or are even addicted to their smartphone? All of this is often estimated. 

The World Health Organization and International Agency for Research on Cancer consider mobile devices as “possibly” carcinogenic to humans. Not to mention, their thresholds for phone and wi-fi use may not align with the average student’s rigorous schedule.

Two People using Electronic Devices
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Young Students Using Tablet and Laptop at the Library
© Oleksandr113 via Canva

After all, students need to interface with their devices while sitting in a classroom with a significant amount more devices than an average room with 50 students each having at least a phone and laptop if not more devices. All of them connected to the internet and potentially engaging with Bluetooth and 5G.

EMFs present in everything with an electrical current, however, our devices can have radiation that can engage with the body. This radiation can cause the heating or denaturation of cells and in extreme cases impact human DNA. Additionally, EMF radiation can disrupt certain vital cellular processes and there is of course the cancer risk.

This is mostly negligible but there are issues because science cannot 100% know the toll of our frequent use or what happens when 18-50 students in a room have a laptop, cellular device and tablet all going at once.

It’s also important to note that there is some financial motivation to not disclose some risks. For example, the FCC was sued with 11,000 pages of evidence about potential issues with 5G. So science is both behind the curve on the full impact of our heavy device usage but there’s also a financial motivation to hide data that might limit or halt our device use.

Additionally, not all studies consider the differences between children and adult physiology. Children are much more susceptible to EMFs and the impact is different as they are likely to spend more of their lifetime regularly exposed to EMFs. For example, children now will potentially never know a time where they are not exposed to this degree of technology.

There are also added issues because children are more susceptible to EMF exposure as their brains are still in development. The ionic breakdown of their heads and nervous systems and they have more water in their body than adults means they’re more conductive to electricity. Additionally, children’s skulls are thinner meaning that phones can more likely engage with their brain cells.

EMF exposure has been tied to negative impacts on neurocognitive development. This means that excessive EMF exposure can impact a child’s mental development and some studies have found a negative impact to verbal expression and cognition. Also, some research points to excessive screen time during childhood increasing your chances of developing Alzherimer’s later in life.

Plus, young people have more stem cells. If any of these cells get denatured or have their cellular processes impacted by EMF radiation it can impact their development. One study found that some EMFs can halt the division of these vital cells.

This is not a cause for paranoia or to outlaw phones but there are steps you can take to help the students in your life limit their EMF exposure.

A Boy Using a Smartphone while Lying on a Sofa
© Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels
Children Playing on Green Grass Field
© RDNE Stock project via Pexels

Tech-Free Time and Space

Reducing screen time for children and busy students is a given. It pulls focus and distracts you from studies but it can impact memory which is vital for students. Science is exploring the concept of digital dementia and how excessive screen use can impact short term memory and memory retention.

Taking time away from devices can help student’s bodies recoup from any negative EMF effects or potential mental overload.  This time helps mitigate the amount of stimuli and EMF exposure they’re getting. After all, young bodies are resilient and this time of rest free from EMF exposure and device distraction can help their bodies readjust.

Carving out areas without tech can help compensate for the amount of heavy EMF exposure students could end up having throughout the day. Tech free spaces also give the body a space to recoup and reacclimate and address that EMF exposure. After all, our bodies want to thrive and this time and space gives bodies the chance. Having device-free times and areas, throughout the school day and classroom, can help offset the amount of EMF exposure.

Increase Distance From Devices

Maybe your parents were right about sitting too close to the television. In the same way you’ll want some tech-free spaces increasing distance from devices can help the students in your life balance their EMF exposure.

Limiting where students get exposed to EMF radiation is also key. This can include the placement of wi-fi routers outside of classrooms rather than in and removed from where students spend a lot of time to avoid exposure.

The EMFs of most devices are not that strong so a little distance can go a long way. The greatest issue with EMFs is when your body’s electromagnetic field is directly engaging with a device’s electromagnetic field there can be engagement that can affect you on the cellular level.

Radiation is often caused by an excess or lack of electrons. When EMF radiation engages with your body it can try to steal electrons from living cells causing oxidative stress. This causes your cells to react which is also the cause of human aging.

Removing students from having too many phones and laptops in their immediate space can help. This could mean storing devices away in classrooms or having students leave their phones in their dorm room or bag.

Also having classroom layouts that provide distance between students can help limit some of this excessive EMF exposure. There are also accessories like EMF reduction keyboards or cellphone and laptop cases that can shield you from EMFs. Speaking of….

Students Inside a Classroom Listening Attentively
© Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels

EMF Shielding

One way to protect from EMF radiation is with some of the various shielding products on the market. These can be keyboards or device cases but classrooms, children bedrooms, or home offices can also use EMF shielding paints to reduce exposure.

Basically you want to limit how much radiation the student in your life is getting exposed to. This is vital for young children so keeping EMFs out of kindergartens and limiting how many electronic and Internet-accessible devices surround your children is helpful.

Again the key is to keep them from directly engaging with the EMFs. There are also products like faraday cages and EMF blocking nets that you can put around high EMF devices like routers to help shield the students in your life from overexposure to EMFs. 

Offline Time

Reducing wi-fi use or keeping phones in Airplane mode can also help reduce some of the risk. Again, EMFs are a natural part of living in a digital world. However, if your phone is plugged in, wi-fi enabled, using 5G and Bluetooth this is an extreme amount of EMF exposure.

Having time when you use your devices offline can help students have continued access to their devices while offsetting some of the intensity of their EMF exposure.

So much of EMF protection is simply making better choices. Exploring more time offline and not relying too much on wi-fi, 5G, and Bluetooth help ensure that you’re not exposing yourself or the students in your life to more EMF radiation than needed.

Turned Off Laptop Computer
© Ken Tomita via Pexels
Fresh Blueberries in the Garden
© ChiemSeherin via pixabay

Boost Antioxidants

Radiation works by attacking healthy cells to make up for any lack of electrons. Antioxidants are so good for us because they help our body naturally fight off these hungry free radicals by providing them with electrons.

Adding more antioxidants to your student’s diet, whether blueberries to a protein shake or green leafy veggies or goji berries, these antioxidant-rich foods can help your body with recouping after excessive EMF exposure.

Energy Protection

Like antioxidants, there are energetic ways to offset this electron hungry radiation. Quantum Upgrade offers access to pure quantum energy which, like antioxidants, addresses this radiation by providing it with the electrons they need. It establishes a field around you or in a fixed space which can help with your office or classroom.

Essentially, quantum energy is pure positive energy meaning it has an excess of electrons making it able to neutralize EMF radiation on the energetic level. This means the EMFs surrounding your Quantum Upgrade field will not only get fed but you’ll also be having an influx of pure quantum energy which will boost your vitality and help provide more vitality to focus on schoolwork and success. 


Technology is a reality for students who need to use computers to type up assignments and do research. They may need phones to record lectures and call friends for help. However, they don’t have to have as high an EMF exposure risk as they might without these tips.

Luckily, we are aware of what EMFs can do and there are simple changes you can make to not only limit EMF exposure but also help you not have to make drastic changes to your school or study schedule for proper EMF protection.